Abstract :
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) are unmanned flying vehicles, commonly used for
various civil, professional and military purposes. Currently the UAV has done a lot of
use for learning, shooting disaster areas, for shooting areas or even carrying out
bombing missions.
Pixhawk is an independent open-hardware project that aims to provide the standard
for readily-available, hiqh-quality and low-cost autopilot hardware designs for the
academic, hobby and developer communities.
In this case, the author takes an automatic take off and landing system. Software
configuration is the installation of firmware, calibration of the sensor and setting the
Proportional Integrative Derivative (PID) value.
Desired results during the process can be copied from the flight test Auto take off and
landing can be done. To carry out the repair process is carried out properly such as
the installation process, process, PID tuning process and also manual and manual
tests under flying conditions