Abstract :
KT-1B Woong Bee is an advanced training and acrobatic aircraft. As an
aircraft that has dual role with high flight hour utilization, also the increase of
replacement maintenance and component supply, an information system for
scheduling the replacement and optimal components supply is needed. With
optimal planning, it can meet the needs of the components of the aircraft fleet that
operate according to the mission.
Mean Time Between Removal (MTBR) is a calculation method of
components replacement and supply scheduling. This calculation is based on the
mean time (average) of replaced components and the mean time (average) of
utilization of flight hours. In this method, the component calculations for Low-
Pressure Filter Web (LPFW), Fuel Filter Element (FFE), Fuel Pump Outlet Filter
(FPOF), Oil Filter Element (OFE), P3 Air Filter, Cable Rudder-1, Cable Rudder-
2, and Cable Rudder-3, are used. They are selected for they are in the
maintenance schedule of SKATEK-043, then, additional information system for
SKATEK-043 is made as the suggestion from the author.
The results of scheduling calculations based on MTBR with maintenance
schedule of SKATEK-043 components of LPFW, FFE, FPOF, OFE, P3 Air
Filter, Cable Rudder 1, 2, and Cable Rudder 3 show that that the average of
MTBR scheduling is closer to the history of component replacement. For the
calculation of the supply of components; MTF LPFW (21), replacement history
(18), maintenance schedule (23), FPOF MTBR (13), replacement history (10),
maintenance schedule (14), OFE MTBR (8), replacement history (6), maintenance
schedule (9), P3 Air Filter MTBR (8), replacement history (3), maintenance
schedule (8), Cable Rudder-1, Cable Rudder-2, and Cable Rudder-3 MTBR (8),
replacement history (4), and the maintenance schedule, 3 components are
obtained, and the result of MTBR supply is more optimal. For further researches,
it is recommended that they provide 22 components of FFE MTBR, 30
components of replacement history, and 25 components of the maintenance
schedule in order to get more optimal result of the component supply