Abstract :
The development of composite in the technology field grows rapidly,
especially in the aerospace industry which encouraged the improvement of the
quality in the production process of composite materials. The research was
conducted with the purpose is to determine the manufacturing process and the
comparison of the mechanical properties of carbon fiber composites of epoxy
resin using the hand lay-up method.
One of the lamination method technology that is currently developing is
lamination method using hand lay-up method, where this method has been widely
applied in Indonesia. To determine the mechanical properties of composites, 2
testing methods were carried out, that are tensile test according to ASTM D3039
standard and bending test according to ASTM D790 standard.
The results of this test obtained the data on the characteristics of
composite mechanics. In the tensile test, the highest maximum force value is
owned by the second specimen that is 51.98 KN while the lowest maximum force
is owned by the fourth specimen that is 31.24 KN and the highest value of tensin
strength is 796.1998 Mpa while the lowest value is 505.9928 Mpa and for the
average of the maximum force is 44,334 KN while for the average of the tensile
strength is 695,9074 Mpa. In the bending test, the highest maximum force value is
owned by the fifth specimen that is 1096.34 KN while the lowest maximum force is
owned by the second specimen that is 644.52 KN and for the bending stress, the
highest value is 1422.5865 Mpa while the lowest value is 836.3019 Mpa and for
the average of the maximum force is 882.62 KN while for the average of the
tensile strength is 1145.2655 Mpa