Abstract :
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned vehicle aircraft that can
carry out various missions including military and civilian (general) missions. In
its military mission, UAV aircraft are operated to spy on enemy areas and enemy
conditions, and in civilian missions, UAVs are used for agriculture, plantations
and search for disaster victims. As for the purpose of this study to determine the
flow of weight and balance, center of gravity calculation and comparison between
center of gravity results from CATIA software with weight and balance UAV Sky
The UAV Sky King is a type of aircracft that used a fixed wing with the
character of the slow flyer, weight and balance of the aircraft can be determined
by determining the center of gravity (CG). Center of gravity (CG) must be
maintained so that the aircraft can balance both the lateral and longitudinal axes.
In calculating the center of gravity (CG), the Sky King UAV plane is determined
by the weight, arm, and moment of each component of the aircraft, and to get the
data can be done by observation, literature studies, and interviews.
After doing the calculation of weight and balance, the center of gravity
will be calculated on three conditioned, by CATIA (without servo), direct
calculation (without servo), and direct calculation (with servo). The center of
gravity from CATIA (without servo) at X coordinate is -484,888269 mm, at Y
coordinate is 0 mm, at Z coordinate is -27,735797 mm. The center of gravity at
direct calculation (without servo) at X coordinate is -424,390909 mm, at Y
coordinate is 0 mm, at Z coordinate is 10,326299 mm. The center of gravity from
direct calculation (with servo) at X coordinate is -432,131777 mm, at Y
coordinate is 0 mm, at Z coordinate is 11,472941mm. Also the error percentage
from CATIA calculation and direct calculation on UAV without servo is
0,124766% at X coordinate, 0 % at Y, coordinate 1,372309% at Z coordinate.