Abstract :
Reliability is used to estimate the conditions of systems or components in the future
based on previous conditions. On the reliability model, the states of system indicated by
various condition when the system worked or had failed. Then reliability analysis is needed
for aircraft to maintained airworthiness and organized the maintenance program further.
The objects of this research are EC 155B1 aircrafts owned by Indonesia Air Transport
& Infrastrucure (IAT), and the method used for analysis is markov analysis. Markov analysis
is widely used as an analyzing technique the states of the system that has limited information
(memoryless). The determination of the ATA chapter used for analysis are using
Airworthiness Limitation Section (ALS), defect monitoring from previous research, history
report, and Aircraft maintenance Manual (AMM). The defect monitoring used are limited
between September 2017 to August 2019.
From this research, ATA chapter 62 Main Rotor that meets the requirements of
reliability analysis. The constituent components of main rotor states are Pin Blade, Lower
Attach Beam, and Upper Attach Beam. The results of the markov analysis of main rotor
system, the states that worked properly are state 1, state 3, and state 4. The probability of the
state 1 showed that state has decreased from initial condition, while the state 3 and state 4
have increased from initial condition and subsequently have decreased. The reliability of
main rotor system has decreased along with increasing of flight hours with the Mean Time To
Failure (MTTF) is 2340.22 flight hours