Abstract :
Wings are an important component in the Sky King UAV because they provide
lift. The wing receives various loads, one of the loads that occur on the wing is pressure
load. To determine the strength of the structure on the wing of the Sky King UAV, it is
necessary to do a static analysis based on Failure Indices and the calculation of
Margin of Safety. After the static analysis test is declared safe, it is also necessary to
analyze it with the buckling criteria.
Sky King UAV half wing modeling using DS CATIA V5R20 software. In the
static analysis inputting the pressure load and total load and buckling analysis by
inputting the pressure load on the Patran Nastran software analysis model. From the
results of the static analysis output, which is the stress value used to calculate the
strength of the structure based on Failure Indices and Margin of Safety and the
calculation of buckling analysis by comparing the critical buckling load with the panel
compression load.
The results of static analysis, obtained the value of failure indices at layer 1 of
0.040027 and layer 2 of 0.04304 and the value of the margin of safety on the spar is
14.34 while the core is 119,558.4. From these results, the strength of the static structure
is declared safe. While the buckling analysis results obtained a buckling load factor of
0.5637 <1. The calculated value of less than 1 is declared unsafe.