Abstract :
Wind tunnel is a tool to help analyze the effect of air flow around solid
objects. Apart from being used in the aviation and automotive industries, wind
tunnels can also be used as a tool for research and practical purposes for students.
Therefore, the authors hope that the wind tunnel that will be made can meet the
applicable standards so that it can be used for future research and practice
To see the comparison between the three types of wind tunnels, that is a
wind tunnel without a settling chamber and a flow straightener, a wind tunnel with
a settling chamber without a flow straightener and a wind tunnel with a settling
chamber and a flow straightener, CFD analysis is used. In the manufacturing
process of settling chamber and contraction cone using sawing and drilling
methods, and the material used is plywood.
Based on the comparison of velocity contours and turbulence kinetic energy,
the best comparison of CFD simulation results is the wind tunnel with the settling
chamber and the flow straightener. The manufacturing process of settling chamber
and contraction cone includes settling chamber assembly, contraction cone
assembly and settling chamber assembly with contraction cone