Abstract :
Currently 3D modeling has been many developed and widely applied to
various fields of industry, one of the modelling techniques is a polygonal modelling
technique that can be applied to games with 3D graphics. Games that are currently
considered as some entertainment media can only be used as entertainment media
to train agility by making it an interactive games with good visuals. The
manufacture of 3D helicopter model aims to produce helicopter models that can be
applied to the game ?Motor Mabur?. From the results of testing ?Motor Mabur?
Games using a desktop device that allows the use of full screen larger than full
screen while the use of memory is smaller when before full screen, and for the
results of the game testing uploaded on the itch.io game site, got the number of
views 84, download 30, rating 4, collections 1, comment 10, impressions 110 and
ctr 0.91 %.