Abstract :
Sweet potato (Ipomea batatas (L) Lamb) is one of the plants producing
carbohydrate tubers that keep the tubers in the soil. The process of planting sweet
potatoes has constraints such as pests that attack sweet potato, this is a problem for sweet
potato farmers due to lack of knowledge of farmers against pest control of sweet potato.
Based on the existing problems, an expert system was designed and built to identify
sweet potato pests with a comparison of Bayes Theorem and Certainty Factor method.
The process of identification of sweet potato pests is done by entering the symptoms
experienced by sweet potato and then the symptoms are processed by system with Bayes
Theorem and Certainty Factor method. The Bayes Theorem and Certainty Factor method
yields the calculated value of each pest and is the highest value for the final result. Based
on the test 35 data obtained comparison of the results between experts with Bayes
Theorem method by 80%, while the ratio of results between experts with Certainty Factor
method of 54.28%.