Abstract :
Kerosene which is the main fuel for cooking purposes is now becoming
uneconomical anymore because of the increasing price so the government
conducts the kerosene conversion program to LPG (Liquid Petrolium Gas). This
study aimed to identify the effect of diameter of the burner hole on the efficiency
of LPG-fueled gas stove. Based on the objective, it was expected to help the
community to use LPG-fueled gas stove which is currently replacing the kerosene-
fueled stove.
The test were performed on various diameters of gas burner hole with the
diameter size of 2 mm, 2.5 mm, and 3 mm. The tests were done on the water
heating time, fuel consumption, and the efficiency of LPG-fueled gas stove. The
tests were done by heating the water, measuring the consumption of LPG fuel, so
the test result data can be compared. The results showed that the larger diameter
of the burner hole (2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm) did not cause significant changes in
water heating time, led to increase LPG gas fuel consumption and caused the
efficiency of the LPG-fueled gas stove decreased.