Abstract :
Bsdweather is one af the biggest obstacles in aviation- Rain or sflow can
cause a problem in the form of icing while the plane is operating.The icing can
disturb the airfiow on the wing which in turn will reduce lft and increase drag
and ultintately lead to stalling. The icing is easily formed on the leading edge
wing as a result of direct contact with air. The icing problem may occur along tlw
fiight when a plane fiies through eloud,s which contain very cold water droplets
and during pyound operation the visibility is low and the temperature is close to
{reezing point. Thus, the reliability af the arsiteetural wtng alfii-icit g systeffi o/,
TM-l3 aircraft needs to be analyzed as it is very impartantfor the safety aspect.
This research was eonducted to test wether wing-anti icing system att tke
TM-13 aircrart is reliable ss well cs to detennine the possibility affaiture snd rts
risk. Functianal hazard assesment (FHA) was implemented to analyze the
reltabtltty of wing anti icing systeffi. FHA provides failure mode and severity
classification. The failure mode on FHA ean be used as Top Event in the making
af Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and severity classification can be utilized as the
requirement for the tollerated faitare boundary. The FTA generated the tot*l
probability of foilure of wrng cnti.ictng system on TM-13 aircraft. The total
probability of failure from FTA was compared tCI the severtty classification from
FHA. If the value of probability of f*ilure from FTA was lower than severity
classification from FHA, then wing anti-icing system on TM-13 aircrafi is
reliable.Tfle result af calculatian shows thnt the probability of foilure valrx is
smaller than the severity of classification value for arcry major category and
hazwdow. Tkas, the wing anti icing ,qysfeffi of TM-13 aireraft is reliable as
according to the requirments.