Abstract :
Current aviation technology is still developing rapidly and constantly
studied to facilitate the task of human development that is made to be effective and
efficient. Flying robot known as the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is basically
used to replace the role of real aircraft. This UAV can also be used to reduce the
number of death on the pilot and reduce operating costs. The task of the UAV is
various depending on the mission set of a user to a UAV.
This analysis aimed to identify the value of the cruising distance (range) and
long flying time (endurance) of the aircraft Agroplane TM 13 with the UAV model.
The analysis of the flight performance achievement was also to identify the ability of
the cruising distance (range) and long flying time (endurance) to a maximum of the
plane Agroplane TM 13 with the UAV model. From the results of the analysis
conducted it can be seen the cruising distance (range) of the Agroplane TM 13 with
the UAV model was 100.8354 km and long flying time (endurance) was 50.7899