Abstract :
In airports, safety aspects while landing and take-off should be heeded, because most crashes occur when the aircraft landing and take-off. The accident derailed his aircraft caused by the condition of the aircraft runway flooded due to rain continuously. A wet runway conditions can lead to the occurrence of hydroplaning that can potentially cause a serious incident. Notice any of these problems then created a system of monitoring the height of water on the runway the aircraft that can measure the height of the water in the scale, which consists of several components, namely the Arduino nano as a data processor, Ultrasonic sensors SR04-HC as the water detector, the sender and the receiver of the data from the sensor using the Bluetooth Module HC-05 as its wireless system, Data output system will be shown through the LCD, and the buzzer as Warner. Ultrasonic Sensor research HC-SR04 capable of measuring maximum water height 5 cm with an average error of 1.5% for water height and 1.4% in volume. Maximum distance data communication in Bluetooth can work optimally with the condition without a barrier is 2600 cm with percentage cannot receive data 75%, if upon delivery of the data given the barrier then the Bluetooth can communicate optimal maximum approximately 2300 cm with percentage cannot receive data 50%.