Abstract :
The design of the Hardware In The Loop Simulation by simulation using a
computer. Each plane has different characteristics with the help of PID tuning
(Proportional Integral Derivative) and Ziegler Nichols is intended to know,
analyze, and get an overview of responses generated in the aircraft (response)
The simulation flight test is done by connecting two laptops, the flight simulator
Xplane and qgroundcontrol which is controlled by the use of RC (remote control).
PID control tuning system works well in the time constant pamater of 0.65
because the aircraft plane has followed the waypoint has been determined and fly
the plane very well and Ziegler Nichols method of the resulting wave response
yields the best response ie with the value of Kp = 1.10464, Ki = 0.000675211, Kd
= 451.8