Abstract :
Nowdays, the aerospace technology development is very fast, especially
rocket technology. Inside out of rocket there is a countent that called payload. As
is this payload a rocket expected to be able to provide an information that can
provide some benefit for its users. It is morebetter that a rocket containing a
payload when it has been launched can be in control of payload to be able to
return to ground station or at the desired point to save the components and
information that has been obtained.
In this research its designed a control system on/off, with the result that
this device can be controlled remotely, with the control center from ground
segment. This system consists of a PC or laptop for the commond botton
converted become a gesture signal the sent through the YS 1020U anthenna.
The system consists of a motor brushless that moves propeller which can
than move the rocket payload. In the process the payload can moving forward and
spinning right and left. From this research the telecommand data which sent from
pc keyboard on ground station is sent and received well by payload with the result
homing process can be done.