Abstract :
This research concentrated on automatic water level control system based
ultrasonic sensors. The automatic water level control system is question is a
system which can be controlled of water level, in order to water level in the water
tank storage remain at the required level. The automatic control system water
level be made to applies method based on sensor for replace manual method. The
application of method based sensor is question is to use ratio magnitude of the
distance wich signed by sesnsor as information height water level.
The created hardware will be applied in prototype form using ultrasonic
sensor HC-SR04 as signed of input data, that is water level height data in
centimeter unit and display data in pc as output for monitoring water level. The
hardware used two water storage tanks, range of sensor to the water storage tank
1 is calibrated at a distance of 14.6 cm with a 5 cm and 10 cm setpoint.
Based on the results testing and observation of the whole system on the
water level testing data 'upside', calculated average error of the water level
comparation in the ruler to the LCD of 1.59 % and an avarage error of the water
level comparation in the ruler to the water level on the water monitorring of 3.11
%. On the water level testing data 'down sides', calculated an average error of the
water level comparation in the ruler to the LCD of 1.68 % and an avarage error
of the water level comparation in the ruler to the water level on the water
monitorring of 1.86 %. The magnitude of the maximum and minimum water level
that readble on the ruler against setting of setpoint in the arduino program is
(setpoint ? 5 cm, on the ruler sacale reads 5.2 cm with an error of 4% and
setpoint ? 10 cm, on the ruler scale reads 9.8 cm with error of 2.04%). Xbee
connectivity for indoor testing was able to send and received data at maximum
distance 35 m. While outdoor testing the Xbee able to send and receive data at
maximum distance 140 m