Abstract :
The communication system point-to-point relies heavily on antenna gain
and direction especially if the sending station can move positions. Therefore, a
transmitter direction detection system is needed antenna on the receiving station
where the receiving station antenna can automatically always point to the
position of the transmitting sending station.
In this Final Project is designed transmitter direction detection system
based onangle azimuth. The sending station sends location data to the receiving
station via the 2.4GHz radio module, then at the Arduino receiving station
processes the data and calculates theangle azimuth to drive the stepper motor so
that the receiving station antenna can point to the sending station horizontally
and vertically.
Onangle testing azimuth, the average error of the direction angle was 7 °
in the first test, 1,8 ° in the second test, 6 ° in the third test, 2? and 7? in the fourth
test. This system has the disadvantage of not being able to direct the antenna to a
wall or barrier