Abstract :
Aeronautics and space technology is one of the superior technologies for
developed countries, especially in the form of rockets which include its control system
and rocket load (payload). Countries that are able to master this technology will be
respected by countries around the world. Indonesia as an archipelagic country and at
the same time a large and wide maritime country should have independence in
mastering rocket technology. Inside Payload there are electronic circuit consisting of
various sensors that are used as a reference. This reference can be used to determine
the situation around the payload. The sensors used include camera sensors,
acceleration, temperature, humidity, compass and a set of homing.
In this study a camera system is designed that can determine the conditions
around the payload while in the air. Image capture using a VC0706 serial camera.
After taking pictures, Arduino will save the image results to the SD card. Image capture
is controlled by an operator in the ground segment, by pressing the number "5" on the
keyboard. This control system is known as telecommand which is transmitted using
KYL-1020U radio module.
From the results of the study, the measurement using 640x480 resolution
produces the smallest image is 46.8 Kb and the largest is 47.6 Kb, with an average
shooting of 24.981 seconds. Measurement using 320x240 resolution produces the
smallest image is 12.41 Kb and the largest is 12.58 Kb, with an average shooting of
5.14 seconds. While the measurement using 160x120 resolution produces the smallest
image is 1.90 Kb and the largest is 1.944 Kb, with an average shooting of 1.91 seconds.