Abstract :
Aviation and space technology is one of the superior technologies for developed countries, especially in the form of rocket technology which includes its control system and rocket load (payload). A rocket can be called modern and good if it contains a load called payload. The Countries that are able to master this technology will be respected by countries around the world. Indonesia as an archipelagic country and at the same time a large and wide maritime country should have independence in mastering rocket technology. In the payload there is an electronic circuit consisting of various sensors used as a reference. This reference can be used to determine the situation and conditions around the payload. The sensors are accelerometer, temperature sensor, humidity, compass sensor, camera set of hooming and Ground Segment as a sensor performance monitoring tool. In this study an acceleration system is designed that can determine the characteristics of rocket payload movement. To find out the movement characteristics of the payload, the MMA 7361 series accelerometer sensor is used. Acceleration data retrieval took from the moment the payload launches to return to the Ground Segment. Data transmission process is carried out in real time from payload to Ground Segment using radio telemetry module with KYL 1020U series with 433MHz frequency. From the results of the study showed the ability of the system to produce characteristics of movement graphs in real time. The settings used in the sensor sensitivity are 6g. From the process of sending data from payload to Ground Segment there are 2 second delay which results in a lagged graphic appearance.