Abstract :
Every company wants everything done to run smoothly and achieve
satisfactory results. Smooth production process within a company will be guaranteed
if the production planning system goes well so that consumer demand can be met in a
timely manner.
PT. Adi Satria Abadi is a manufacturing company that produce Golf Gloves
which is located in Yogyakarta. The problem faced by the company is that the
company does not have good material raw material planning, that is often the
occurrence of arrangement and planning of raw material has not been well
organized, especially for scheduling of raw material usage. In this study the data
used are production data, ordering and inventory data material of each component.
To overcome the existing problems carried out qualitative approach using Material
Requrement Planning method.
The result of calculation of MRP is concluded that the total net requirement
needed for the production of 69,748 units of Golf gloves for 12 mingu (3 months)
planning period are: Aradachi (C11) of 62,290 units, omo pattern (C111) of 56,061
units, the top (C1111 (C11111 and C11121) of 186870 meters, the skin (C11112 and
C11122) is 859,602 centimeters, the thumb pattern (C112) is 56061 units, the upper
part (C1121) and the lower part (C11111) C1122) as many as 49,832 units, threads
(C11211 and C11221) of 186,870 meters, leather (C11212 and C11222) of 18,670
centi meters, yarn (C12) of 622,900 meters, velcro (C13) of 311.450 centi meters,
glue (C14) of 49,832 gram.