T Technology (General)
2024-08-27 05:06:59
Abstract :
A large station in Cilacap Regency and is one of the most crowded stations in Cilacap Regency. Kroya Station is located in Bajing Village, precisely on Jalan
Stasiun. The problem is that there are still many customers sitting on the floor of the station environment, it looks dirty and disorderly. The toilets are not comparable to the number of customers who use PT. KAI's services every day at Kroya Station, so many customers feel uncomfortable when they want to use the toilet facilities. The condition of the place of worship is actually not suitable
to be used as a place of worship, because the place is too narrow for a place of worship at Kroya Train Station in 2018.
This type of research is quantitative research. The method used
is a survey with a data collection technique using a questionnaire. The population in
this study were train customers at Kroya Station. The sampling technique using simple random sampling obtained a sample result of 100 respondents.
Data analysis using descriptive analysis which is expressed in percentage form. The results of the study show that: (1) customer satisfaction with the service system at Kroya Train Station in 2018 is in the category of very satisfied at 0%, satisfied at 4%, quite satisfied at 94%, less satisfied at 2%, and dissatisfied at 0%. Based on the average value, which is 3.05, customer satisfaction with the service system at Kroya Train Station in 2018 is in the category of "quite satisfied". (2) customer interest in the service system at Kroya Train Station in 2018 is in the category of very important at 14%, important at 86%, quite important at 0%, less important at 0%, and not important at 0%. Based on the average value, which is 4.05, customer interest in the service system at Kroya Train Station in 2018 is in the category of "important"