Abstract :
Focus Screen Printing is one of the industries in the Yogyakarta area that operates in the clothing industry in the form of making printed t-shirts. In carrying out its business activities, Focus Screen Printing must always pay attention to its production activities. There are several obstacles that occur in the production process, namely product queues at certain work stations or what is called Bottleneck. This condition causes the company's throughput in producing printed t-shirts to be suboptimal.
The purpose of this study is to balance the production line in the printed t-shirt production section, another goal is to reduce the bottleneck that occurs on the printed sock production line and compare income before and after the theory of constraint. While the benefits that can be obtained from this study provide input and suggestions in reducing bottlenecks on the printed t-shirt production line and provide solutions to companies to reduce congestion on the production line.
The method used in this study is the Theory of Constraint (TOC) approach. The first step taken is to determine the cycle time of each workstation involved in the process of making printed t-shirts. Based on this cycle time, mapping is then carried out to determine the workstation that experiences a bottleneck. Then TOC is applied to reduce the bottleneck with Drum Buffer Rope (DBR) Analysis at the workstation. The initial condition of the t-shirt production line with pictures on the focus screen printing is that there is a buildup (bottleneck) at the sewing workstation. The total buildup is 11 pcs. The results of this study are that before using the TOC approach, the throughput was 20 pcs. which was obtained from the total income minus the costs so that there was a loss of Rp -150,500, and after the TOC approach was carried out, the throughput became Rp.295,500 due to the addition of capacity in the sewing section by 20 pcs to 31 pcs because to balance the production process.