Abstract :
Electricity is one of the energy needs in the household, because electricity
can facilitate household activities. Less electric power can interfere with
household activities, adding power is a solution to increase the electric power you
have at home. With added power, household activities can run as usual.
Therefore, an Android-based decision support system application is made to
facilitate the selection of the appropriate power and the costs required to add the
power. This application was created using Visual Code Studio with the Flutter
programming language and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. There
are 3 power alternatives chosen, alternative selection based on the nearest power
from the initial power, maximum total power, and additional electronics.
Maximum total power is obtained when all owned devices are run or all turned
on. While the additional electronics themselves are taken when the application
user wants or plans to add more electronic devices. The results of manual
calculations using the AHP method can show the best suitable alternative power
results. The application was tested for devices and the results of the test showed
that the application could run on the lowest operating system, namely Android 5.1
(Lollipop) and the latest Android 12.