Fanany Septiana Prasetyowati, Tri
Q Science (General)
2023-12-27 06:58:15
Abstract :
Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto (ITDA) is a university in Yogyakarta in the field of technology and aerospace. Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) at ITDA Yogyakartahave an offline and online registration system. Based on information from public relationsand ITDA Yogyakarta admissions, the data currently displayed is still in tabular form. So ittakes quite a long time to analyze the data. Therefore, a Business Intelligence Dashboardsystem was created which can facilitate public relations and admissions parties in obtaininginformation and formulating future strategies. This system was tested using the User Acceptance Test (UAT), functional tests using the black-box method and comparativecalculation tests using phpMyAdmin. Based on the User Acceptance Test (UAT) test, it showsthat 81% of the system that has been made is acceptable to users and helps in planning futurestrategies. Based on the functional test of the black box method, it shows that the systemfunctionality is as expected. Based on a comparative test of calculations between the systemand php MyAdmin it shows the same results.