Abstract :
Choosing a used car over a new car is a very attractive option because the
price offered is relatively cheaper than a new car. Used car price predictions are
needed to help buyers determine the estimated price of a used car that they want to
buy, so that in choosing a used car they don't get a price that is too high or too low.
To solve the problem in this research, the Random Forest Algorithm is used. The
data used in predicting the price of used cars is used car advertisements on the
OLX.co.id web in January to February 2021. The data used are 1852 data. From
this study, the accuracy rate was obtained with a value of 95.54% and MAPE (Mean
Absolute Present Error) of 5.64% and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) value of
147862029.35 with a total of 1000 trees