Abstract :
Banyuwangi International Airport needs a better airport security system because the airport is the first green airport in Indonesia. Security at the airport is carried out by Aviation Security who is responsible for document inspection, inspection of passengers, baggage and cabin baggage, inspection of flight crews, handling of weapons, handling of special passengers, handling of dangerous materials and goods, and supervision. In carrying out the task there are obstacles, namely the lack of personnel and the performance of flight security tools that are less than optimal, with these limitations Aviation Security personnel are required to work optimally so that performance is maintained properly. The analysis in this study uses description quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to all Aviation Security personnel and direct observation at Banyuwangi Airport. From the results obtained at the time of the study, an analysis was carried out using 2 applications, namely SPSS and Microsoft Excel, to get the value of the validity test and reliability test and kendalltau test. From the results of the validity test, it was found that the data was valid, the reliability test value of the data was 0,737, and Kendall tau's test value suggests a correlation between variable x and y . From the results of data analysis, the performance assessment of the Aviation Security unit in terms of personnel and aviation security facilities is good due to the lack of personnel placement and the lack of aviation security facilities that must be met according to existing regulations.