Abstract :
Transportation is a means of connecting one place to another that can be used quickly and easily by humans. With transportation, all activities with various aspects in Indonesia can be easily connected. Air transportation is one option that is considered to have the advantage of fast travel time, making it effective and efficient. Citilink airline is an Low Cost Carrier airline with a wide selection of flight routes. One of them is the YIA-CGK route, which had the highest number of passengers in September 2022 at YIA Airport. Therefore, the author wants to measure the quality of service provided by Citilink airline on the YIA-CGK route to passengers using the Importance Performance Analysis method John A. Martilla, John C. James, 1977 and using the service attribute approach formulated by Manheim, 1979. This transportation service attribute measures variables that are viewed from five dimensions: time, user cost, safety and security, pleasure and comfort of the user Manheim, 1979. This method is used to find importance values expectations and company performance values reality. In this case, Importance Performance Analysis is used to measure Citilink's success in meeting customer specifications and needs. Based on the data obtained, customer satisfaction based on importance performance analysis method in the dimensions of safety and security, pleasure and comfort of the user and expedition service is quite good, but there are still some specific dimensions, namely time and user cost, that need attention and evaluation because in this quadrant the priority level seems lower than the other quadrants. Open communication with customers and taking appropriate actions based on customer input and feedback can help improve overall customer satisfaction.