Teacher strategies in developing english vocabulary material at SMP N 3 Pleret Bantul
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Angelina Aprilia Putri, Angelina
L Education (General) 
2024-05-11 07:40:21 
Abstract :
English subjects require more teacher creativity to create creative teaching strategies. The wealth of vocabulary and strategies for teaching it, which will continue to increase, is very useful in supporting students' learning process. By mastering a lot of vocabulary, it will be easier to understand English learning. One of the problems often encountered in the field is the low level of mastery of English vocabulary. This research was carried out with the aim of finding out teacher strategies in improving English vocabulary mastery. Then, with this, the researcher also observed the results of students' vocabulary improve from the strategies that teachers implemented during the lesson process at SMP N 3 Pleret. This type of research uses a qualitative approach, this research subjects were 8th grade English teachers and student representatives from each class at SMP N 3 Pleret. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and documentation. Research instruments are interview guidelines and teaching observation sheets. There are four stages of analysis in this research namely data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing-verification. Based on the results of research and data analysis, teacher carry out teaching strategies in accordance with ATP except for inappropriate time allocation and implement PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production) strategies in improving vocabulary material and activity strategies in the form of (analyzing, compiling and understanding) new vocabulary at school and outside school as effective learning to improve vocabulary mastery that students can understand. Teacher also use interlude strategies in accordance with the teaching material, namely the WordWall Strategy and Task-Based Language Learning. Then the positive results from this strategy were because students provided sufficient feedback in observing the lesson process and answering interview questions well. Almost all understand the meaning of the new vocabulary in the lesson process and follow the teacher's instructions well. 
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan