Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Inkuiri  berbantuan Phet untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kreativitas peserta didik pada Materi Getaran dan Gelombang di MTsN 1 Bantul
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Sumiasyih, Sumiasyih
LB Theory and practice of education 
2024-04-25 02:46:31 
Abstract :
Science is knowledge that isproduced through certain activity in the form of facts, principle, concept and theory. Students often considers science lesson to be a difficult subject, this case is indicated by the low science learning outcomes average at MTsN 1 Bantul to ASPD in 2023, namely 46.69. still far below the minimum completeness value. This research aim to : 1) validate inquiry-based LKPD product assist PhET simulation with the topic of vibrations and waves, suitable to used in learning to improve student's learning outcome and creativity. (2) Analyze the increase in science learning outcome and student creativity by implementing inquiry-based LKPD assist PhET simulation on vibration and wave material in class VIII at MTs Negeri 1 Bantul. (3) Analyze the implementation of learning with inquiry-based LKPD assist PhET simulation with vibration and wave material, effective in learning to increase the creativity of student in class VIII at MTs Negeri 1 Bantul. The inquiry-based LKPD development research design assist PhET uses a 4D research design, including Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate. At the dessiminate stage, learning is done with in 2 cycles, where each cycle consists of 2 meetings and one evaluation times. Data collection method include questionnair, observation sheets, test sheet, documentation. The results of validation of inquiry-based LKPD products assist by PhET simulation by material expert lecturers and ICT expert lecturers from Ahmad Dahlan University stated that the assessment result average were 42,5 with very good criteria, the result average from presentation aspect was 33,5 with good criteria, the result average of language aspek was 24 with very good criteria. The increasing in learning outcome from the cognitive aspect, namely the pre-test and post-test results, increased from the average value of the pre-test in cycle 1 was 50, increased to be average value of 72,50 in the post-test in cycle 2. There was an increasing of 22,50 points after the action was taken, the Gain Score value was 0,31 with medium criteria. The increasing of assessment from the affective aspect, namely the results of group work scores from cycle 1 with average value of 80,66, increased in cycle 2 with an average value of 86,74, increased of 8.08 points with very good criteria. Psychomotor aspect assessment in cycle 1 with score of 71,90 increased to be a score of 79,50 in cycle 2, with good criteria. The product moment correlation result of student's796 creativity is 0,98 in the very strong category 
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan