Evaluating the implementation of the Merdeka Curiculum in learning English at SD Muhammadiyah Karangkajen Yogyakarta
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Ramadhanti, Annisa
L Education (General) 
2024-06-27 03:11:54 
Abstract :
Curriculum Merdeka is a curriculum with diverse extracurricular learning, where the content presented to students will be optimized so that students can have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competencies. The Curriculum Merdeka was launched in 2021 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research as a bridge of access for teachers to channel creativity and build an educational ecosystem to catch up with the learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to find learning strategis employed by teachers in the Merdeka curriculum, to find how teachers implement the concept of the Merdeka curriculum in their teaching methods, and to identify the challenges faced by teachers in implementing the Merdeka curriculum. This type of research uses qualitative research was chosen because the collection and analysis explain more detail related to the research topic. This research is a case study using interview and observation methods conducted at school. The interview questions were adapted from the theory of evaluation concepts put forward by Hamalik. The subjects of this study were English teachers and the head of curriculum. The interview consisted of open-ended questions to obtain relevant information about the Merdeka curriculum. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the Curriculum Merdeka in English language learning at SD Muhammadiyah Karangakajen Yogyakarta is by the Merdeka curriculum, namely with class processing methods, learning processes, assessment, and evaluation. Although there are several unresolved obstacles in implementing this curriculum, teachers can still handle problems during the learning process, although technically teachers are still adapting to the Merdeka curriculum. 
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan