American value portrayed on the main character the Batman (2022)
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Pangestu, Mahendra Yuda
E11 America (General) 
2024-10-28 04:29:18 
Abstract :
Every movie has their own message behind the production of movie. And also, every movie has a main character that become a key aspect of movies. This study aims to explain the American values by Datesman portrayed on the movies ?The Batman? (2022) and also to analyze personality structure the main character Batman in the movie ?the Batman? (2022) using Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. The method that the researcher use is qualitative research method. It helpful to analyze the main data in this research which is scene, dialogue, word, phrases, either lingual or visual aspect from the movie. This research also using America Study approach. The result finds there are 13 data that portrayed American value in the movie The Batman (2022) such as individual freedom, self-reliance, material wealth, and hard work. There are 2 American values that the researcher does not find such as competition and equality of opportunity. On the main character Batman, the researcher finds the personality structure such as id, ego, and superego that portrayed in the movie. 
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan