Abstract :
This research is motivated by the presence of Murabahah financing that dominates the financing of sharia banking in Indonesia. This shows that financing on a buying-and-sell basis (Murabahah) has a larger contribution than the profit-sharing sharing (Mudharabah and Musyarakah). Whereas in concept, to go to ideal syariah banking should pembiayan with akad mudharabah (profit share) is more dominant. However, the fact that there is currently a more dominant Muriaah fund pembiayan. This research tries to know the factors that influence the financing of Murabahah in Bank Mandiri Syariah period 2011-2017. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of each variable of Third Party Fund (X1), Capital Adequacy Ratio (X2), and Financing To Deposit Ratio (X3) to financing Murabahah (Y).
Population and Sample taken are Bank Mandiri Syariah Annual Financial Report during 2011-2017 period. Using purposive sampling technique is sampling with certain considerations. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS Software 23 program.
The results of this study indicate that the variable of Third Party Fund (X1), Capital Adequacy Ratio (X2), and Financing To Deposit Ratio (X3) to simultaneously have influence on financing Murabahah with Fhitung equal to 28,270 bigger than Ftabel equal to 9,28 while significant partial through t-test obtained by Third Party Fund Variables (X1) with sig 0.003 less than 0.05 and Financing To Deposit Ratio of 0.042 0.05. While the results are not significant variable Capital Adequacy Ratio obtained significant 0.135 greater than 0.05. The dominant test results are based on the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta (?) of each of the Third Party Fund Variables (X1) 0.547, Capital Adequacy Ratio (X2) -0.234 and Fianancong To Deposit Ratio (X3) 0.468. Then the variable of Third Party Fund (X1) has dominant influence to the financing of Murabahah in Bank Mandiri Syariah.