Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
J Communication
2022-05-17 04:07:50
Abstract :
Secretariat of DPRD Surabaya City is a secretarial organization that is directly under the Regional Secretariat and assists the Surabaya City Parliament in carrying out its duties, the Secretariat of the Surabaya City Parliament consists of 3 parts, namely: General Section, Meeting
and Invitation Section, Information and Protocol Section, and there are several other Sub-sections.
The importance of human resource development to the performance of employees whose duties help
the tasks of the Surabaya City Parliament, especially the meeting and legislation - legislation is very important to help present the Invitation - Invitation to be determined along with the implementation
of the Meeting that needs to be held by the Dprd Surabaya. Human resource development can be done formally and informally (Bayu&Nurhajati, 2017:87). Employee Performance there are 6
indicators, namely: Quality, Quantity, Timeliness, Cost-Effectiveness, Needs in supervision, Personal Impact (Krisnawati, 2017:4).
In this study showed that Human Resource Development Variable (X) has an influence on Employee Performance (Y). This is evidenced by the t test based on the results of SPSS calculations, it is known that the variable Human Resource Development (X) has a significant effect on employee
performance (Y). From the calculation of the coefficient of determination with the help of SPSS, it is known that the value of rsquare determination coefficient is 0.800 or a percentage value of 80%. This value indicates the variation in employee performance variables influenced by human resource development (X).