Abstract :
In this era of globalization as today the world economy is experiencing quite significant improvement. It is not apart from the growing number of new companies emerging. Not only in developed countries but in the country, there began to be many companies that were established and ready to compete with other companies. Companies that are unable to compete, then will not be able to survive and will most likely be
eliminated from the business world. Competition to remain able to survive in the business world motivates the company to operate better for the sake of corporate survival. This
research aims to know and test the influence of Debt To Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Net Profit Margin against stock price in LQ45 company on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
in 206-2018. Research is a quantitative study using secondary data in the form of a company's financial statement in LQ45 on the Indonrsia stock Exchange in 2016-2018.
The study uses multiple linear regression test tools, coefficient of determination, F-test, T-Test, and dominant test. The independent variables in this study consist of debt to equity (X1), ratio, current Ratio (X2), and net Profit Margin (X3) while for the Depnden variable stock price (Y). Results of the study showed that the simultaneous debt to equity ratio, current ratio, and net profit margins were positively and significantly influential towards the stock price. Partial debt to equity ratio the negative and significant effect on the stock price, the current ratio is negative and significant to the stock price, and the net
profit margin has a positive effect is not significant against the stock price. The dominant variable that reaches the dominant is the current ratio