Abstract :
The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of work rotation, job stress, and job statisfacation, working against employees performance. Work Rotation is the periodic turn of an employee from one task to another.. Job Stress is a condition of tension that creates a physical and psychological imbalance, affecting the emotions, thinking processes, and conditions of an employee. Job Satisfaction is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state for a person in looking at their work. Performance is the achievement or the result of work (output) both the quality and quantity achieved HR unity period of time in carrying out its work duties in accordance with the responsibilities given
to it. A population that is used in this research is of all employees of Klinik Rawat Inap Rizky Sidoarjo which consisted of 57 people. The number of samples
of 57 of respondents. Sampling in this research is done by Total sampling method. Analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using F test, t test and dominant test with 5% significant level. This research result indicates that simultaneously and partial variable the work rotation, job stress and job
satisfacation significant to employees performance an emlopyee of Klinik Rawat Inap Rizky Sidoarjo. The result of some false need teachers need written that the
variable the work rotation in also had an impact dominant on variabel their employees performance of Klinik Rawat Inap Rizky Sidoarjo