Abstract :
This research aimed to analyze the effect of liquidity, leverage, profitability,and company size towards dividend policy on manufacturingcompanies listed at BEI from 2010-2016. The independent variables were liquidity as current ratio (CR), leverage as debt to equity ratio (DER), profitability as return on assets (ROA), and size of company as size. Meanwhile, the dependent variable of this study was dividend policy as dividend payout ratio (DPR).
This research was casual research with quantitative approach. The population of the research included the company listed in Indonesian Stock Excharge on Manufacturing companies during 2010-2016 periode. Samples were obtained based on a purpsive sampling techniques, and acquired 5 companies. Data analysis technique used multiple linier regression, but testedthe classical
assumption before hypothesis testing.Based on analysis of data, liquidity has a positive effect on dividend policy with significant value of 0,001. Leverage has negative effect on dividend policy with a significant value of 0,011. Profitability has no effect on dividend policy
with a significant value of 0,542. Size has a positive effect on the company?s dividend policy with a significant value of 0,009. Meanwhile, F test show that the variables of liquidity, leverage, profitability, and size of company simultaneously effect the dividend policy for the significance less than 0,05. It is 0,001. The
adjusted R2 value is 0,467. So the variable liquidity, leverage, profitability, and size company are able to influence dividend policy by 46,7% and 53,3% is
explained by other veriables outside the model.