Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
2022-07-14 06:08:53
Abstract :
This research was conducted to determine "The Effectiveness of the Family Hope Program (PKH) to Support the Welfare of the East Sukolilo Village Community". In this study, researchers describe how the level of effectiveness of the family of hope program and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the PKH program in East Sukolilo Village. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Sources of research data are primary and secondary data. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in the village of East Sukolilo went well and was quite effective. The whole series or process of activities starting from the initial socialization, program implementation, program monitoring all went well. The success of the Family Hope Program (PKH) is strongly supported by the enthusiasm of PKH facilitators, other supporting factors are the support from the Village Apparatus and the enthusiasm of the East Sukolilo Village community itself. The inhibiting factors are the absence of support from village officials, the absence of awareness from the community and the absence of supporting facilities for PKH facilitators