Abstract :
Human resources is the driving force for the success of a company.Human resources that can be utilized effectively and efficiently. Office of Communications and Information of East Java Province as a government agency should be able to utilize available human resources to perform tasks in the framework of organizational development. For that required style of leadership,motivation, and good work environment so that policies that have been determined can be achieved. This study aims to determine the effect of style of leadership, motivation, and work environment on the performance of employees at the Office of Communications and Information Technology of East Java Province.The data used are primary data obtained from the respondents directly based on the questionnaire given to the Office of Communications and Informatics East
Java Province. Analytical technique used is multiple linear regression, whereas hypothesis test used is F test, t test, and dominant. The test results obtained that simultaneously, style of leadership variables (X1), motivation (X2), and work environment (X3) to the Department of Communications and Information Technology of East Java Province, seen from the value of Fhitung (137,863)F tabel (0,268) the resulting significance is 0.000 and this value is much less than 0.05. The partial style of leadership (X1) has a significant effect on the
performance of the employees of the Office of Communications and Informatics of East Java Province, as evidenced by the tcount (3,769)> ttable (1.65723) and the
resulting significance value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Motivation (X2) has a significant effect on the performance of the employees of the Office of Communications and Information Technology of East Java Province, seen from the result of tcount (4,351)> ttable (1,65723) and the value of significance resulting from 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Work evironment has a significant influence on the performance of employees of the Office of Communications and Information Technology of East Java Province, judging from the result of tcount
(5,590) > (1,65723) and the value of significance resulting from 0.000 smaller than 0.05. Variable of Work environment (X3) have dominant influence to
performance of employees of Department of Communications and Informatics of East Java Province with value of coefficient ? (beta) biggest that is 5,590, bigger
than other variable.