Abstract :
This study aims to know about the Influence of Product Quality, Price Discrimination, and Promotion of Interest Buy Yamaha Vixion Motorcycle Products (case study Yamaha Dealer Al Handoko Sedati Sidoarjo). Tighter business competition today makes the company trying to encourage potential customers to buy. Efforts made are good Product Quality, Appropriate Price Discrimination, and Interesting Promotion. The sample was 80 respondents
taken using Ramdom Sampling method. Analysis using SPSS version 23.0 for Windows. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using F test, t test and dominant test with 5% significant level. The test result proved that the variable of Product Quality, Price Discrimination, and Promotion have significant effect simultaneously with the result of multiple linear regression in F test in obtained Fcount equal to 35.293 bigger than Ftable equal to 2,72, whereas significant partial influence through Test t obtained thitung for each independent variable that is Product Quality (X1)
equal to 3,932, Price Discrimination (X2) equal to 6,592, and Promotion (X3) equal to 3,103 bigger than ttable value equal to 1,662, while Price Discrimination variable dominant influence to Buy Interest.