Abstract :
The purposes of this research are to know and to examine the influence of liquidity, leverage, market value and activity to financially profitability at PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Tbk. This research is quantitative research using secondary data form a company?s financial statements in at industrial in indonesian stock exchange
period 2008 - 2017.This research uses multiple linear regression instrument, classic assumption experiment, coefficient determination, F-test, t-test, and dominant
experiment. independent variables in this study consisted of likuidity ratio (X1) proxied current ratio (CR), leverage ratio (X2) proxied debt asset ratio (DR),
market value ratio (X3) proxied price earning ratio (PER) and activity ratio (X4) proxied total asset turn over (TATO), whereas for dependent variable is profitability (Y) proxied return on asset (ROA).The result of this research is liqudity ratio not significant and negative effect on profitability, leverage ratio significant negative effect on profitability,market value ratio not significant and positive effect on profitability, and activity significant and positive effect on profitability