Abstract :
The development of retail business in Indonesia is very rapid, this indicates the Era of the utilization of information technology has begun to recognize the existence of Retail Business which is often called Indomaret more and more in Indonesia caused by the development of the internet and there are consumers who increasingly like the modern market the easy access of the internet or any gadget device allows the public to access information about a product that is searched and coupled with incessant promotion conducted by retail store Indomaret in offering goods and various kinds of convenience for consumers the goal to be achieved is to examine the Influence of Price Discrimination, Service, and Display Product Against Sales Volume (at Indomaret Randegan Village Tanggulangin Sub-district of Sidoarjo Regency).
This research is done by using case study method where the data obtained through questionnaires spread on 99 respondents. While population and sample in this research is Indomaret consumer of Randegan Village, Tanggulangin District. This data collection technique is using random sampling method of the data obtained tested the validity, reliability of multiple linear test Test F And Test T. To find out customer decisions can be measured by variables Discrimination Rates, Services, and Product Display Against Sales Volume of the results obtained from the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.985 or 99.5%. From the hypothesis testing it can be taken kesimoulan that the value of threshold price discrimination of 3.867 with sig 0,000, the value of Service t count of 3.332 with sig 0.001, tcount Display Product 9.393 with sig value 0,000 From the analysis, it can be concluded that the variables of PriceS Discrimination, Service, and Product Display simultaneously (simutan) and (partially) significantly influence the sales volume (in Indomaret Randegan Village, Tanggulangin District). While the Display Product variable is the dominant variable that affects the sales volume (in Indomaret Randegan Village District Tanggulangin).