Abstract :
Human resources are production factors that live, have desires, ratios, emotions and reason. Thus it is appropriate for the company to pay attention to the quality of its human resources so that the work achieved is high. The purpose of this study is to find out whether Job Training, Work Discipline and Compensation have a significant effect on employee performance at PT. Sinar Sosro Sidoarjo. The population in this study were employees of PT. Sinar Sosro Sidoarjo. The sampling technique in this study was Slovin formula, which took all samples of 58 respondents. The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis using the F test, t test and the dominant test with a significant level of 5%. Research results and hypotheses show that Job Training, Work Discipline and Compensation have an effect simultaneously with the results of multiple linear regression in the F test obtained Fcount of 21.177 greater than Ftable 2.77 while partially through the t test obtained tcount for each variable namely Training Work (X1) of 2,286, Work Discipline (X2) of 3,591, and Compensation (X3) of 2,573 is greater than the value of ttable 2,00404, then the independent variable namely Job Training, Work Discipline and Compensation variables affect the dependent variable of Employee Performance , while the Work Discipline variable has a dominant influence on Employee Performance at PT. Sinar Sosro Sidoarjo