Abstract :
The purposes of this research are to know and to examine the influence of Return On Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio and Earning Per Share to Stock Price company LQ45 at indonesia stock exchange.This research is quantitative research using secondary data form a company?s financial statements in at industrial in Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2015-2017. This research uses multiple linear
regression instrument, coefficient determination, F-test, t-test, and dominant experiment. independent variables in this study consisted of Return On Equity (X1), Debt to Equity Ratio (X2) and Earning Per Share (X3), whereas for
dependent variable is Stock Price (Y). The result of this research is Return On Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio and Earning Per Share simultaneously significant and positive effect on Stock Price. Partially Return On Equity significant dan positive effect on Stock Price, Debt to Equity Ratio significant and negative effect on Stock Price and Earning Per Share significant and positive effect on Stock Price. In the dominant variable whose value reaches Earning Per Share is the donminant variable