Abstract :
This study aimed to determine: (1) To prove and analyze are competence,compensation, and career development simultaneously affected to the employee performance in PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik. (2) To prove and analyze are competence, compensation, and career development partially affected to the employee performance in
PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik. (3) To prove and analyze which are the most dominant between competence, compensation, and career development to the employee performance in
PT.Karya Mitra Tehnik. In this study using primary data, while the research method involves two variables: the independent variable (employee performance), and the
dependent variables (competence, compensation, career development). The samples used in this study are 86 of the 110 PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik employees? population.
The analysis thecnique used is multiple linear regression. Analysis using a hypothesis test, F test with signifificance lever of 5%. The test result proved that
competence, compensation, and career development are simultan and partial effect to performance of PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik di Sidoarjo. With a value of F 85,,664 > table F value 2,72. And competence t value is 3,755 > t table 1,66365. Compensation t value is 4,614 > t table 1,66365. Amd career development t value is 8,400 > t table 1,66365. Based on the result of the second hypothesis proving known that career development is