Abstract :
This study aims to find out about the Effects of Democratic Leadership Style, Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Performance at the East Java Province Education Quality Assurance Agency. In this study the respondents were employees of the East Java Province Education Quality Assurance Agency. The data used in this study are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to all employees. The technical analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis using the F test, t test and dominant test
with a significance level of 5%. The test results proved that the Democratic Leadership Style Style, Work Environment and Compensation had a significant simultaneous effect with multiple linear results in the F test obtained Fcount of 13,810 greater than Ftable of
3,92 while the effect was partially significant through the t test obtained value the significance for each independent variable is Democratic Leadership Style (X1) of 0.021, Work Environment (X2) of 0.027 and Compensation (X3) of 0.002 Smaller than the significance value of 0.05, the independent variable is Democratic Leadership Style, Work Environment And Compensation has an effect on the dependent variable of employee performance, while the compensation variable has a dominant effect on employee