Abstract :
Human resources keep a very strategic position in every businessorganization because humans are the main driver of the smooth production process and even the organization in order to achieve its objectives. Once the importance of this human factor, the humanitarian questions in the company need to get the attention of the management. The availability of potent and productive human resources in order to increase productivity is very important in the current era of industrialization. The purpose of this study is to determine whether work discipline, work experience, and salary significantly influence employee performance at PT.Indo Gula Pastika Sragen. The population in this study were employees of PT. Indo Gula Pastika Sragen. The sampling technique in this study is saturated sampling,which is taking all samples of 80 respondents. The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis method using the F test, t test and the dominant test with a significant level of 5%. The results of the study and hypotheses indicate that work discipline, work experience and salary have an effect simultaneously with the results of multiple linear regression in the F test obtained Fcount of 159.674 greater than Ftable 2.72 while partially through the t test obtained tcount for each variable
namely Discipline Work (X1) of 5,849 Work Experience (X2) of 6,163 and Salary (X3) of 7,310 is greater than the ttable value of 1,665, the independent variable namely Work Discipline, Work Experience and Salary variables affect the dependent variable of Employee Performance. While the variable salary has a dominant effect on Employee Performance at PT. Indo Gula Pastika Sragen, and the leadership of PT. Indo Gula Pastika Sragen can continue to maintain and even improve Employee Performance so that the main goals of the company can be achieved perfectly.