Abstract :
This study relates to an understanding of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Work Conflict, and Loyalty in PT. Miwon Indonesia Driyorejo is generalized. The population used in this study was all employees at PT. Miwon Indonesia Driyorejo who carried 100 people, the sampling technique (sampling method) was a method or method carried out to determine the number and members of the sample. The sampling technique (sampling method) used in this study is probability sampling and simple random sampling is a sampling technique that provides the same benefits for everyone who does not have members. The research sample used in the Yamane test sample, and the sample used in this study was 80 respondents. The test tool used is multiple regression analysis techniques with the help of SPSS 16.0 software. From the results of the research that has been done can conclude, the results of validity valid, reliability testing is reliable. Multiple linear regression analysis was obtained modeling that is Y = 0.799 + 0.847 X1 + 0.802 X2 + 0.743 X3. Test results obtained based on the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (X1), Work Conflict (X2), Loyalty (X3) tie together simultaneously on Employee Performance (Y) at PT. Miwon Indonesia Driyorejo. The results of the trial can be known by the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (X1), Work Conflict (X2), Loyalty (X3) related partially to Employee Performance (Y) at PT.Miwon Indonesia Driyorejo gersik