Abstract :
Tobacco is one of the most important commodities in Indonesia. The main products of the widely traded tobacco are cigarettes. The tobacco industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly in line with the increasing number of smokers growing rapidly in Indonesia. The goal to be achieved in this research is to test and analyse about the influence of organizational culture, compensation and leadership style to the employee's performance in the Pr. Sources of Barokah in Sidoarjo
This research conducted data retrieval is done by meeting the owner of Pr. Barokah source, after that equate the concept of research that will be researched at the site. And finally to get the poll data researchers spread the statements that have been provided in the questionnaire, the Kuisoner was distributed in 89 respondents randomly. This data retrieval technique uses random sampling of the data conducted validity test, reliability, multiple linear test F and test T.
Based on the test results it can be concluded that the organizational culture, compensation and leadership style together (simultaneous) as well as each (partial) have a significant influence on the employee's performance. Variable compensation on Pr. Barokah sources in Sidoarjo based on the research results in multiple linear analysis proved to be a dominant variable.