Abstract :
This study aims to determine and examine the effect of brand equity, price elasticity, and niche markets on the decision to purchase prime axis cards for students of Bhayangkara University Surabaya. This research is a quantitative study using premier and secondary data in the form of a questionnaire.
This study uses multiple linear regression test, reliability test, classic assumption test, validity test, F test, t test, and dominant test. The independent variable in this study consisted of Brand Equity (X1) which is proxied by Brand Awareness, Elastisias Price (X2) which is proxied by Price Suitability, niche market (X3) which is proxied by segment growth, while for the dependent variable is Purchase Decision (Y) which is proxied by the stability of buying.
The results of the study show that brand equity has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, price elasticity has a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions, niche markets have a positive and not significant effect on purchasing decisions.