Abstract :
Credit distribution is the most important bank activity. Several factors must be considered before banks channel funds to the public. Ratios that can affect credit
include LDR, NIM, CAR, TPF, and NPL. TDR, NIM, CAR, DPK, and NPL for credit distribution. The sample used amounted to 20 banks from 43 banks listed on the IDX and selected based on purposive sampling for the period 2014-2017.
Statistical analysis is used, namely partial hypothesis testing (t-test),simultaneous hypothesis testing (F-test), and Dominant test (Standard Beta). Based on the results obtained from the Simultaneous Loan to Deposit Ratio ratio, Net Interest Margin, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Third Party Funds, and Non-Performing Loans related together with lending.
Partially, the ratio of the Loan Ratio to Deposits has a significant effect, significant Net Interest Margin and Third Party Funds have a significant effect, while
the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Non Performing Loans are not related to lending.Test the most dominant third party funds for lending from LDR, NIM, CAR and NPL.